Sphere and pencil Project Proposal

Progress PAPER...

  • Was able to implement PAPER, but before that I had a hard time getting paper rendered correctly.
  • This is the picture used for texture.

  • When starting to render was getting error because I wasn't using the coordinates for the texture in my rendering.
    After using texture coordinates I was able to render the paper on two triangles

    Progress ....PENCIL

    For the pencil I mapped out the The coordinates using a 3d graph program so I wouldn't mess up the coordinates( multiple Times ).

    This is a view from the side of teh top and bottom of the pencil.

    First time I did the coordinates I was getting a broken pencil


    Getting the reflections correct for the sphere was extremely challenging I tried using the same framework from lab 11. But with that I was able to get the whole thing having a single value for reflection.

    I tried using variable specular values
    I got some weird results
    I lost the textures and the reflection of all objects including the floor.

    Best so far

    In this one I was able to get reflection of the ray of light, but for some reason I lost reflection of the floor.

    ALL TOGETHER....not really

    I attempted to bring all the elements together but when I did everything broke...
    the texture for the paper was rendering incorrectly