------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Progress Record First thing I did was created a cylinder out of triangles to get an idea of how to build the complete egg out of triangles. I can create an egg shape out of circles with varying radii.
Second, I have made a very crude egg shape and am able to break off each triangle from the shape. Here's a demonstration of all of the pieces breaking at once.
Here's a much better egg shape.
To get a more realistic look, I applied a texture procedurally to each piece of the egg. Every triangle has a different piece of the texture I used.
To help make more of a scene, I created a nest out of a triangle fan and a triangle strip. Texturing these was a little tricky, but came together in the end.
Finally, I used a library to load a 3d model of a chick into the scene and placed it within the egg. The model doesn't have a texture, but the library supports that as well if I wanted to make one myself.
For my project I plan on creating an egg and having something hatch from it. This can be broken down into three parts: The egg, the chick, and the hatching.
The egg will be created using a triangle mesh in order to allow for pieces being broken off during the hatching, and will be texture mapped with an image.
The chick will be a model of some kind and will be animated accordingly for when it hatches.
The hatching will cover cracking the egg and having the chick emerge out of the egg.
The project could be in either 2D or 3D, and will depend on how difficult creating a 3D animation is as well as how much the course focuses on 3D in future lectures and labs. Displaying everything to the screen will be done with ray casting/ray tracing, and if time allows an incubator light will be added as a light source. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/10/18 The project will be in 3D and will center around creating an egg out of connected triangles. The triangles will break off creating a cracking or fracturing effect, and once enough are broken off will reveal a creature of some sort inside. Rendering will be done in real time.
As a proof of concept I used magnets to construct an egg only using triangles
Surely this will turn out to be an eggcellent project.