Catalog Description:
Elementary logic and set theory, functions and relations, induction and
recursion, elementary algorithm analysis, counting techniques, and
introduction to computability.
CMPS 223
Larry Taylor
- To provide the student with a basis in mathematical logic
- To provide an introduction to functions, relations, and sets
- To provide an introduction to techniques of proof
To provide reinforcement for understanding of recursion
Current Text(s):
??? Rosen. Discrete Mathematics and its
Applications (5th edition)
(DS2) Statement and predicate logic including:
truth tables, normal forms, equivalences
including de Morgan's rules and equivalents to implication,
multiple quantifiers and negation of predicates
(DS1) Functions (1-1, onto, inverses and composition),
relations (reflexive, transitive, symmetric, equivalence),
and sets (Venn diagrams, elementary operations, product
and power sets)
(DS3) Techniques of proof (direct, indirect, contradiction,
mathematical induction, pigeonhole principle,
recursively defined functions
(AL2,AL3) Development of recursive algorithms (
divide-and-conquer, search, sort, fast
multiplication, knapsack, etc.)
(DS4) Counting arguments (sum, product, permutations and
combinations), theoretical lower bounds
- (DS6) Discrete proability (finite sample spaces)
(AL5) Turing machines
(AL6) NP-Completeness (P and NP, examples of NP-complete
ACM Sub Areas or Units Covered:
(DS1) Functions, relations and sets
0.6 (required .6)
(DS2) Basic logic
1.0 (required 1.0)
(DS3) Proof techniques
1.2 (required 1.2 total .9 in their course)
(DS4) Basics of Counting
0.5 (.5 required)
(DS6) Discrete Probability |
0.6 (.6 required)
(AL2) Algorithmic Strategies
0.2 (not required here)
(AL3) Fundamental computing algorithms
0.2 (not required here)
(AL5) Basic Computability
0.6 (.6 but not here)
(AL6) The complexity classes P and NP
0.1 (not required at all)
DS: Discrete Structures
AL: Algorithms and Complexity
The laboratory session will parallel the lectures, providing
students with the opportunity to develop algorithms and problem-solving skills
Oral and Written Communication:
Assigned work requires written documentation.
Social and Ethical Issues:
Problem Analysis:
Solution Design:
Emphasis on recursive algorithms
Version & Date:
Version 1, 6/3/2003
The first draft based on ACM curricula 2001 in the format of ABET sample
course description.