Name:Antonio-Angel Medel
Course:cmps3500: Programming Languages
Lab10:PHP Lab

Hit the closing tag.

Hit the closing tag.

Hit the closing tag.

Hit the closing tag.

Hit the closing tag.

Hit the closing tag.

Hit the closing tag.

Hit the closing tag.

Software Inventory List

Fri, 27 Sep 2024Array
    [0] => Array
            [id] => 888
            [name] => MythGame
            [release_date] => 8/18/2008
            [version] => 8.8
            [filesize] => 8.88 MB
            [category] => linux, Windows
            [links] =>
            [description] => sci-fi game
            [cdata] => have not tried it

    [1] => Array
            [id] => 444
            [name] => Notepad++
            [release_date] => 4/4/2014
            [version] => 4.44
            [filesize] => 444 KB
            [category] => Windows
            [links] =>
            [description] => open source editor
            [cdata] => excellent software

    [2] => Array
            [id] => 777
            [name] => CygWin
            [release_date] => 1/20/2007
            [version] => 1.5.77
            [filesize] => 777 KB
            [category] => Windows, Linux
            [links] =>
            [description] => linux for Windows
            [cdata] => just get linux

    [3] => Array
            [id] => 111
            [name] => Firefox
            [release_date] => 1/17/2011
            [version] =>
            [filesize] => 1.0 MB
            [category] => Windows, Linux, OS X
            [links] =>
            [description] => web browser
            [cdata] => excellent

    [4] => Array
            [id] => 333
            [name] => InTuit
            [release_date] => 1/20/2008
            [version] => 3.3.3
            [filesize] => 333 KB
            [category] => Windows
            [links] =>
            [description] => personal accounting
            [cdata] => cannot recommend it

    [5] => Array
            [id] => 555
            [name] => Putty
            [release_date] => 1/20/2010
            [version] => 5.5.5
            [filesize] => 555 KB
            [category] => Windows, Linux, OS X
            [links] =>
            [description] => terminal emulator
            [cdata] => worth every penny

    [6] => Array
            [id] => 999
            [name] => snailware
            [release_date] => 9/9/2009
            [version] => 1.9
            [filesize] => 99 KB
            [category] => Windows, OS X, Linux
            [links] =>
            [description] => text editor
            [cdata] => buggy

number of items: 7SOFTWARE REPORT
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2024
ID-4sNAME        DESCRIPTION           CATEGORY                 NOTES          888-4sMythGame    sci-fi game           linux, Windows           have not tried it
444-4sNotepad++   open source editor    Windows                  excellent software
777-4sCygWin      linux for Windows     Windows, Linux           just get linux 
111-4sFirefox     web browser           Windows, Linux, OS X     excellent      
333-4sInTuit      personal accounting   Windows                  cannot recommend it
555-4sPutty       terminal emulator     Windows, Linux, OS X     worth every penny
999-4ssnailware   text editor           Windows, OS X, Linux     buggy          

report generated by Antonio-Angel Medel