Question 1:

Q: What is the CSS box model?

A: The "box model" is a model used when talking about design and layout. It wraps around every HTML element, consisting of: margin, border, padding, content.

Question 2:

Q: What is the difference between margin and padding?

A: Padding clears an area around the conent while being transparent. While Margin clears the the area outside of the bornder/html element, also transparent.

Question 3:

Q: How is an HTML element height and width determined?

A: They are both determined by the entire dimension including that of its padding, border, and margin. The element can be resized but the height and width resizing will only apply to the lelemnt excliding margins, padding and borders.

Question 4:

Q: Explain this CCS property:25px 50px

A: Top and bottom padding is 25 px, and left and right padding is 50px.

Question 5:

Q: What is the differnce between a border and an outline

A: The border property allows you to specify the style, width, and color of an element's border.
While the outline property is drawn outside the borders to make the element "stand out" and is NOT a part of an elements dimensions. The elements total width and height is not affected by the width of the outline.