Responsive Resume

Your Name

Job Title or Skill Set


This is a good place to introduce yourself. What do you love to do? Where are you from? What is your current job? This also might be a good place to link to your resume, email, or portfolio as well.

Project Spotlight

Give a brief description of what this project is and what role you played. It can also be helpful to include a link

View Project

B.S. Information Systems and Operations Management from the University of Maryland.

Company Name

Nov. 2013 - Dec. 2014

  • This is a place to give highlights of your work and responsibilities
  • This is a place to give highlights of your work and responsibilities
  • This is a place to give highlights of your work and responsibilities. This is an example of a longer block with more text.

Company Name

Sept. 2012 - Nov. 2013

  • This is a place to give highlights of your work and responsibilities
  • This is a place to give highlights of your work and responsibilities
  • This is a place to give highlights of your work and responsibilities. This is an example of a longer block with more text.

Company Name

Aug. 2011 - Sept. 2012

  • This is a place to give highlights of your work and responsibilities
  • This is a place to give highlights of your work and responsibilities
  • This is a place to give highlights of your work and responsibilities. This is an example of a longer block with more text.

In Conclusion

This is a good spot to highlight experiance and skills. Make sure to include a call to action like a link to your website, or your email address. If you find bugs, want features, or have questions, feel free to submit an issue. You are free to use without attribution. If you're ok sharing, I would love seeing what you make! Shoot me an email or tweet at me.

© Your Name 2014