Chengwei LEI, Ph.D.    Associate Professor

Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
California State University, Bakersfield

CMPS 4928 Senior Project II


CMPS Syllabus 
CMPS 4928 Oral Communication Rubric
CMPS 4928 Written Communication Rubric


Templates & Forms

Templates & Forms are "borrowed" from Cal State LA for academic purposes only.

Sample Pages (local mirror)

Word Templet (local mirror)

LaTeX Templet (local mirror)

Free LaTeX Editor

Free Online LaTeX Editor  <------------------

Appendix A : Team Members & Assignments. (Individual responsibilities)

Appendix B : *Estimated* Timeline. (Plan the project implementation, including the timeline through May 2020, and milestones of the project.)


Website for LaTeX math equation generator

Poster Template for Poster Presentation Day

Template 1      Template 2

Sample final reports from previous students

Teams and Projects


Team # Code Name Members Project Name
1 T3mp Arboleda, Serafin ASL Recognition and Response Program
Hernandez, Joseph
Angeles, Marc
Garcia, Zabdiel
2 we# Zhang, Huaiyu A novel tokenization algorithm for LLM based Audio-to-audio generative model
Flores, Dominic
Kausch, Michael
Stitt, Braden
4 Kids Next Door Ceballos, Andy AI Pollution Tracking Path
Rojo, Lucia
Le, Vo
Zamora, Jose


Class Schedule

Please be present in class when it is NOT your team's week to present, as feedback from class participants is part of the project development process.

Week 1 1/21 Term Overview and Team Check-in with Instructor
Week 2 1/28 Teams continue to work on projects.
Week 3 2/4 Progress Presentation <-------
Week 4 2/11 Disscussion & Update Your Goals
Week 5 2/18 Individual Discussion
Week 6 2/25 Teams continue to work on projects.
Week 7 3/4 Progress Presentation <-------
Week 8 3/11 Individual Discussion
Week 9 3/18 Teams continue to work on projects.
Week 10 3/25 Individual Discussion
Week 11 4/1 Progress Presentation <-------
Week 12 4/8 Individual Discussion
Week 13 4/15 Spring Break / Holiday - Campus Closed
Week 14 4/22 Final Presentation & Expo rehearsal(Poster based)  <-------
Week 15 4/29 Prep for Expo
Week 15 5/1 Senior Design Expo
Week 16 5/6 End of Semester Presentation and Achievement Discussion
Week 16 5/13 Final Project Reports and Documentation/Peer Evaluations Due



Personal Statement for the Proposal:

•How do you choose the problem, and what is your analysis of the problem

•Analyze the possible solutions and describe why the team has chosen the approach it is taking.

•Describe the programming tools, developer kits, servers, etc. that the team anticipates it will use to implement the project.

Individual Code Diary:

The code diary is a record of the work each team member had done through the term. It should be organized by week (e.g. Week 1) and summarize the main tasks you completed for the project in that week or the main issues you were researching in that week (even if you could not resolve them until a future week).

End of Term Group Statement:

•What did the team plan to have completed by now? (e.g. summarize plan from proposal)

•What does the team actually have completed now?

•What major changes have been made to your project plan? (e.g. using different tools, changing Tier 1 vs. Tier 2 requirements, adding/removing/changing features, etc.)

•Why were the changes made?

•What is your project plan and timeline for Spring term? (should clearly define the feature status and timeline for Spring term)

•What is your team member responsibilities for Spring term? (should clearly define the feature status and timeline for Spring term)