CMPS 2120 Week 01 Lecture Notes - Propositional Logic

intro to logic
List logic engine (setup)

Propositional Logic

 Propositional Logic is a mathematical system consisting of

 o Propositions (denoted by p,q,...), logical connectives (~,^,v,->,<->) and
   truth values (T and F).
   Def: A proposition is any statement that can be evaluated to true or false.
   Which of the following are propositions?
   2 + 2 = 4  (yes-can be evaluated to true so this is a proposition)
   2 + 2 = 5  (yes-can be evaluated to false so it is a proposition)
   x + 1 = 5  (no, since x is not bound to a particular value)
   x + y = z  (no, since the variables are not bound to values)
   Come to class at 3:30.  (not a proposition, this is an imperative statement)
   See Jack run.  (no-not a proposition)
   The moon is made of cheese. (yes-this is a proposition)
 o Logical connectives (Boolean operators) are operations on propositions:
   AND  ^  &  conjunction
   OR   v  |  disjunction
   NOR  not or (the negation of OR) 
   NOT  ~  !  ¬ negation
   CONDITIONAL ->  => implication, implies
   BICONDITIONAL <->  <=>  if and only if (IFF)
   LOGICAL EQUIVALENCE  :<=>     (truth table result columns are same)
 Precedence Order (highest to lowest):
 1. ()
 2. NOT
 3. AND
 5. ->  conditional
 6. <-> biconditional

 Logical connectives are defined by truth tables:
 p: the ball is blue
 q: the ball is green
 Ex: AND "The ball is blue and green."
 p q | p AND q
 T T      T
 T F      F 
 F T      F 
 F F      F 
 Ex: NAND "The ball is not blue and green."
 p q | p NAND q
 T T      F  
 T F      T 
 F T      T 
 F F      T 
 Ex: p NAND q :<=> ~(p AND q) :<=> ~p OR ~q  (:<=> means logically equivalent)
 p q | ~(p AND q) | ~p OR ~q
 T T | F    T     | F  F   F
 T F | T    F     | F  T   T
 F T | T    F     | T  T   F
 F F | T    F     | T  T   T
       ^               ^
       \---------------/  <<== Note that the result columns match.
 Ex: OR "The ball is blue or green."
 p q | p OR q
 T T     T
 T F     T 
 F T     T 
 F F     F
 Ex: XOR "The ball is either blue or green."
 p q | p XOR q
 T T      F 
 T F      T 
 F T      T 
 F F      F 
 Ex: NOR "The ball is not blue or green."
 p q | p NOR q
 T T      F 
 T F      F 
 F T      F 
 F F      T 
 Ex: p NOR q :<=> ~(p OR q) :<=> ~p AND ~q  (:<=> means logically equivalent)
 p q | ~(p OR q)  | ~p AND ~q
 T T | F   T      | F   F  F
 T F | F   T      | F   F  T
 F T | F   T      | T   F  F
 F F | T   F      | T   T  T
       ^                ^
       |                |   <<==  Result columns match
Propositions can be arranged into an implication using ->
      For example p -> q  means p implies q
      p is the premise      (hypothesis, antecedent)
      q is the consequence  (conclusion)

 Ex: "If you follow the map exactly you will find the location."
     p = you follow the map exactly
     q = you will find the location

 p q | p -> q
 T T     T
 T F     F
 F T     T 
 F F     T 
 Why does a false antecedent result in a true implication regardless of the 
 value of the consequence? This sample implication might help:
      "If n is a perfect square then n is not prime."
 This implication is true for all n, whether n is a perfect square or not.  Now
 substitute 3 for n:
    "If 3 is a perfect square then 3 is not prime."   (F -> F)
 The original implication is still true although the antecedent and consequence 
 in this particular case are both false.

Another example:
    A politician says, "If the economy improves, a hospital will be built."

    If the economy sags, and a hospital is built     (F -> T)
    If the economy sags, and a hospital is not built (F -> F)

    The politician did not lie as long as the economy doesn't improve.

	If the economy booms, and a hospital is not built     (T -> F)

	The politician lied.

Another example:
 p: A chemical is safe for children.
 q: A chemical is safe for adults.
 p -> q: If a chemical is safe for children then it is safe for adults.
 What if a chemical is not safe for children? The original implication says
 nothing about this. Whether or not the chemical is safe for adults, p->q is 
 still true.
 Example F -> F
 Arsenic is not safe for children or adults. This has nothing to do with the
 original implication.
 Example F -> T 
 Valium is not safe for children but it is for adults. Again, this does not
 impact the truth value of the original implication.
 To be logically equivalent means the result columns of the respectivie
 truth tables match. 
 p -> q is logically equivalent to ~p v q:
    p q  p -> q    ~p v q
    T T    T    |    T  
    T F    F    |    F 
    F T    T    |    T 
    F F    T    |    T 
    p q | p <-> q |  p->q AND q->p
    T T |   T     |  T    T   T
    T F |   F     |  F    F   T
    F T |   F     |  T    F   F
    F F |   T     |  T    T   T
 Bitwise logical operators can be applied to bit strings (one bit at a time):
  XOR  11111  <= flips the bits in 10101 
  AND  111000 <= masks the first 3 least significant bits in 101111
 Given p -> q,   ('p implies q' or 'p infers q')
            p is the antecedent and q is the consequence
           ~p v q is logically equivalent to p -> q
           ~q -> ~p is the contrapositive and equivalent to p -> q 
            Def: Contra means 'in opposition to'
            q -> p  is the converse and NOT equivalent to p -> q 
           ~p -> ~q is the inverse of p->q and is equivalent to q -> p 
                  "p is sufficient for q"
                  "q is necessary for p"
    The contrapositive and the conditional are logically equivalent.
    The converse and inverse are logically equivalent. The inverse is the 
    contrapositive of the converse. Both q->p and ~p->~q are fallacies.
    'p is sufficient for q' means that given p->q, when p is true, q is true.
    'q is necessary for p' means given p->q, for p to be true, q must be true.
 # "A good rain is our only hope for a good crop."
 English is a bit imprecise, but the closest interpretation is 
 "A good rain is necessary for a good crop."
 "A good crop implies a good rain." 
 p: a good crop 
 q: a good rain 
 To say that "A good rain implies a good crop" is a stronger statement that 
 doesn't exactly match the meaning of the original statement.
 # Express in English the following:
   p: I buy a lotto ticket.
   q: I win the jackpot.
   p -> q     If I buy a lotto ticket then I win the jackpot.
   ~p -> ~q   If I don't buy a lotto ticket then I don't win the jackpot.
   q -> p     If I win the jackpot then I bought a lotto ticket.
   ~q -> ~p   If I don't win the jackpot then I didn't buy a lotto ticket.
  In order, the above statements are the implication, inverse, converse and 
  Show that the contrapositive and the implication are equivalent:
    p q  p -> q   ~q -> ~p
    T T    T        T
    T F    F        F
    F T    T        T
    F F    T        T
  Show that the inverse and converse are equivalent:
    p q  q -> p   ~p -> ~q
    T T    T        T
    T F    T        T 
    F T    F        F 
    F F    T        T
 # Express in p and q and logical connectives.
   p: I win the jackpot.
   q: I buy a lotto ticket.
   I buy a lotto ticket, but I don't win the jackpot.
   q ^ ~p  
   To win the jackpot I must buy a lotto ticket.
   (Buying a lotto ticket is necessary to win the jackpot.)
   p -> q 
   If I win the jackpot I know you bought a lotto ticket. 
  (Winning the jackpot is sufficient for buying a lotto ticket.)
   p -> q  
   I will win the jackpot if I buy a ticket and if I win the jackpot I bought
   a ticket.
   (Winning a jackpot is necessary and sufficient for buying a lotto ticket.)
   p <-> q
 # ~(p -> q) is logically equivalent to p ^ ~q:
    p q  ~(p -> q) |  p ^ ~q 
    T T    F          F       
    T F    T          T       
    F T    F          F 
    F F    F          F
 By logical equivalences:
    ~(p -> q)  == ~(~p v q)
               == p ^ ~q     (De Morgan's Law) 
 # Express in logic:
   p: enter the gate
   q: security clearance
   You cannot enter the gate unless you have a security clearance.
   (Having a security clearance is NECESSARY to enter the gate.)
   This is p -> q.
   If you enter the gate you have a security clearance.
   (Entering the gate is sufficient for having a security clearance.)
   This is also p -> q.
   Now try this: 
   p: enter the gate
   q: security clearance
   r: under 21
   If you are under 21 you must have a security clearance to enter the gate.
   (If you are under 21 and you don't have a security clearance then you cannot 
    enter the gate.)
   (r ^ ~q) ->  ~p 
   If you are under 21 then a security clearance is necessary to enter the gate.
   This is:
   r -> (p -> q) 
   (r ^~q) -> ~p AND r -> (p -> q) are logically equivalent (see proof below).