CMPS 2120 Week04 Lecture Notes - Sequences and Summations

summation formulae
khan academy
Notation: a_n denotes 'a' with subscript 'n' (reads "a sub n").
'Σ' is the Greek letter big-Sigma.

*    SEQUENCES    *

A sequence in a set A is a function f from a subset of integers (usually
{0,1,2,3....} or {1,2,3,4,....} to A. Values of a sequence are called terms. 
The terms are denoted by subscript notation for terms; e.g., 
   a_0, a_1, a_2, a_3,...a_n. (reads "a sub zero, a sub 1, a sub 2 ... a sub n)

a_n = 1/n  1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, . . ., n >= 1

b_n = 2n   0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, . . ., n >= 0

c_n = n^2  0, 1, 4, 9, 16, . . .,  n >= 0

Sequences can be defined by:

1. A recursive definition (based on previous terms with a starting term)
2. A closed form (a formula to determine any term given n)

You can often come up with both definitions if you start with a well-defined 
sequence. Assume the underlying mapping for our sequences is N={0,1,2,3,...},
i.e., the first term in the sequence maps to zero (the math is often easier
this way).

Find the recursive and closed form formulas for the sequence 

             1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ...

Recursive. Ask yourself "How do I come up with the next term in the sequence?"
It looks like you just add 2 the the previous term. Add in the starting value 
and you have the recursive formula:
       a_0 = 1.  a_n = a_n-1 + 2, for n >= 1.

Closed form. Ask yourself "How do I come up with the ith term by just plugging
i into a formula? You need to find a pattern. Write down the sequence with n 
above it:
             0  1  2  3  4
             1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ...

Ask yourself, how did I get to 9 from 4? How did I get to 7 from 3?
looks like 2n+1. Try a few. Generally, if 3 terms work you know you have it.

Closed Form Formula:    a_n = 2n + 1, n >= 0.

Find the recursive and closed form formulas for the sequence 

             1, 3, 7, 13, 21, 31, 43

This one is not so easy. Write down n above the sequence. Then subtract one 
term from the next term until you see a pattern: 

             0  1  2  3   4   5   6
             1, 3, 7, 13, 21, 31, 43
                2  4  6   8   10  12 looks like a_n = a_(n-1) + 2n. Add an initial value and you have it.

Recursive Formula:    a_0 = 1.  a_n = a_n-1 + 2n, for n >= 1

The closed form is a little tougher. Note the following. Subtract terms in the
sequence that is left from the first subtraction: 

             0  1  2  3   4   5   6
             1, 3, 7, 13, 21, 31, 43
                2  4  6   8   10  12
                   2  2   2    2   2

Note that it takes two rounds of subtractions before you reach a constant
value (unlike Example 1). This means that the underlying closed form formula
to generate the sequence includes a quadratic (n^2) term.

Knowing that, try a few things that involve n^2 until you see a pattern. 
For n=4, 21 is 16 + 5. For n=5, 31 is 25 + 6.  For n=6, 43 is 36 + 7. Hmmmm...
it looks like n^2 + n + 1. Confirm with n=3: 9+4=13. check. n=0: 0+1=1. check.
You have it:

Closed Form Formula:  a_n = n^2 + n + 1, n >= 0


     1  2  3    4  5    6      
a =  1  8  27  64  125  216
        7  19  37  61   91
           12  18  24   30
                6   6    6   << THREE SUBTRACTIONS

closed form formula is n^3, n > = 1. 
IMPORTANT NOTE.  If it takes three subtractions to get a constrant you
may also have a polynomial of degree 2 as the underlying function. If
you have an n^3 function it will always take at least three. If you have
a quadratic it will take at least 2.


Construct the sequence given a recursive definition.

      a_0 = 5. a_n = a_(n-1) - 3.

The sequence is:

    5, 2, -1, -4, -7, -10 , -13, . . 

Q: What is the 16th term?

We could brute force it, but let's try to come up with a closed form formula.

    0  1   2   3   4    5    6 
    5, 2, -1, -4, -7, -10 , -13, . . 
       -3  -3  -3  -3   -3   -3

We know this is a linear and not a quadratic function.

Try a few things. For n=4, -7 is -2n + 1. That doesn't work for n=5.  Look at
n=0. The ONLY way to get 5 is to add 5 to the formula. We know the formula has
to be +5. OK. This is what we have so far.
             f(n) = xn + 5.  (we do not know what x is)
Plug in a random f(n), say for n=3 and solve for x. 
      -4 = 3x + 5. 
      -9 = 3x
       x = -3.

So our formula now is f(n) = -3n + 5. Try a few cases.

    f(4) = -3*4 + 5
         = -12 + 5
         = -7.  check.

   f(6) = -3*6 + 5
        = -18 + 5
        = -13.  check.

   f(1) = -3 + 5
        = 2. check 

Closed Form Formula.

         f(n) = -3n + 5, n >= 0.

To generalize.
Arithmetic progressions are sequences over {0,1,2...n} of the form dn + a, 
where 'a' is the beginning term and 'd' is a common difference between terms. 
Arithmetic progressions describe discrete linear functions.

a_n =  3, 5, 7, 9, 11, ...
a_n =  2n + 3, n >= 0 

For the sequence   1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, . . . 
                      3  3  3   3   3

closed form:  a_n = 3n + 1, n >= 0
recursion:    a_n = a_n-1 + 3, a_0 = 1

If the difference between terms is not a constant, find the difference between 
the difference. If you hit a constant you have a quadratic function. 

For the sequence  1, 3, 7, 13, 21, 31,...

n    0  1  2  3  4  5 
a_n  1  3  7  13 21 31
        2  4  6  8  10
           2  2  2  2    <- constant 

a_n = n^2 + n + 1, n >= 0

For the sequence  5, 7, 11, 17, 25, ...

n    0  1  2  3  4    
a_n  5  7 11  17 25  
        2  4  6  8  
           2  2  2   <= 2 levels before constant therefore a quadratic

closed form:  a_n = n^2 + n + 5, n >= 0. 

If the closed form is quadratic, the recursive definition is a summation of 2n:
   a_0 = 5  a_n = a_n-1 + 2n

Ex. For the sequence   1  8  27  64  125  216
                          7  19  37   61  91
                             12  18   24  30
                                  6    6   6  <= 3 levels so n^3 

closed form:  a_n = n^3, n >= 1 

Geometric progressions are sequences over {0,1,2...n} of the form ar^0, ar^1,
 ar^2, ... ar^n, where 'a' is the beginning term and 'r' is a common ratio 
between terms. Geometric progressions describe discrete exponentional 
functions. For example, the following sequence, where r = 2 and a = 3,

   3, 6, 12, 24, 48, ...  

is defined by a_n = 3(2^n), n >= 0.

*     SUMMATIONS    *

Def: A "summation" applies the addition operator to the terms in a sequence.

If "1 2 3 4 5" is a sequence then "1+2+3+4+5" is the summation of that sequence.

Def: Let a_n be a sequence. Then big-Sigma notation is ('Σ' denotes big-Sigma):
  Σ   a_j   where j is the index, m is the lower bound, 
  j=m             n is the upper bound, and a_j is the summand

means the sum a_m + a_m+1 + a_m+2 + ... + a_n-1 + a_n

A summation can be expressed as a closed form formula:

 Σ  j = 1 + 2 + 3 + .... + n-1 + n  =  n(n+1)/2 

 Σ  2^j = 2^0 + 2^1 + 2^2 + ... + 2^n = 2^(n+1) - 1

The above summation is the decimal value of a binary number with n+1 bits all
flipped on.

Double Summation.   (works like a nested for loop)

3    2
Σ    Σ   i + j  = (1+1) + (1+2) + (2+1) + (2+2) + (3+1) + (3+2) = 21     
i=1  j=1

Some summation rules.

 n          n
 Σ  ci  = c Σ  i   
 i=1        i=1

 n             n         n
 Σ  i + ci^2 = Σ  i  + c Σ i^2
 i=1           i=1       i=1

 n          n         4 
 Σ  i   =   Σ  i  -   Σ  i 
 i=5        i=1       i=1

 n         n-1
 Σ  i  =   Σ  i + n   
 i=1       i=1

 n         n       49
 Σ  i  =   Σ  i -  Σ i   
 i=50      i=1     1

Set Cardinality and Countability.

Def: Given sets A and B, |A| = |B| if there is a bijection f: A->B.

If A = {1,2,...,n}, |A| = n (finite)

N = {0,1,2,3,4,....}, and |N| = infinite (also denoted by little-omega)
Z+ = {1,2,3,4,....}, and |Z+| = infinite 


Def: A set S is countable if it is finite or has the same cardinality of
N. A set has the same cardinality of N if there is a bijection from N or
Z+ to S. 

Show that there is a bijection from Z+ -> Q, where Q is the set of positive
rational numbers. A number is rational if there are 2 positive integers p,q
such that x = p/q.

The following infinite matrix contains all possible rational numbers:

1/1  2/1  3/1  4/1  5/1  6/1  7/1 ...
1/2  2/2  3/2  4/2  5/2  6/2  7/2 ...
1/3  2/3  3/3  4/3  5/3  6/3  7/3 ...

1/4  2/4  3/4  4/4  5/4  6/4  7/4 ...

Map Z+ to the rational numbers in this matrix following this pattern:
 1    2    3     4     5     6    7  ...
1/1  1/2  2/1   3/1   2/2   1/3  1/4 ...

All rational numbers will be hit in order. qed.