Lecture Notes "Permutations and Combinations"


If the arrangment of selected items does not matter; i.e., you are interested only in the number of unique selections you can pick and not in their order, this is called an unordered selection.

For example, you have a bag of 12 uniquely colored marbles. Pick 5 marbles out of the bag. This set of 5 marbles is one pick. Toss the marbles back in the bag. Pick 5 marbles again, making sure that the selection differs from the first pick. So on and so forth. The question is, how many unique picks of 5 marbles can you make?

In general, all the ways you can pick r items out of n items is called the combination of n things taken r at a time (or r-combination). Notation:

C(n,r) =  --------  reads "The combination of n things taken r at a time" or
         (n-r)! r!         "n choose r"                        _
Since n!/(n-r)! is the falling powers of n^r,    C(n,r) =    ----    
An r-combination is the number of all possible unordered subsets of r objects taken from a set of n objects. You can consider C(n,r) in terms of sets:

Let S = {1,2,3,4}

C(4,0) = 1 possible subset of size  0: {}
C(4,1) = 4 possible subsets of size 1: { {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} }
C(4,2) = 6 possible subsets of size 2: {{1,2},{1,3},{1,4},{2,3},{2,4},{3,4}}
C(4,3) = 4 possible subsets of size 3: { {1,2,3}, {1,2,4}, {1,3,4}, {2,3,4} }
C(4,4) = 1 possible subset of size  4: { {1,2,3,4} }

The formula C(n,r), 0 <= r <= n, yields the same results:
  C(4,0) = 4!/(4!0!) = 1 
  C(4,1) = 4!/(3!1!) = 4 
  C(4,2) = 4!/(2!2!) = 6 
  C(4,3) = 4!/(3!1!) = 4 
  C(4,4) = 4!/(4!0!) = 1 

 Given |S| = n,  [   C(n,r) = |P(S)|.

 The ways to pick r objects out of n is equivalent to the ways to pick 
 n - r objects to be left behind; thus, C(n,r) = C(n,n-r). 

 C(n,n) = 1
 C(n,1) = n 
 C(n,0) = 1 


If you are want to count the number of unique ways that a selection of items can be arranged, you are interested in permutations. A permutation can involve all items in a set or a selection of items in a set. For example, is S is a set containing 1,2,3, there are 6 permutations of all the items in S: 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321. One may also construct ordered selections of size r out of the n elements in S. The permutation of n things taken r at a time is an r-permutation. The notation is P(n,r). If |S| = n, P(n,r) is the number of permutations of elements in the subsets of size r taken from S. Intuitively, P(n,r) should be larger than C(n,r) for the same set values of n and r.

For example, let S={1,2,3,4}. P(4,2) is the number of permutations of the subsets of size 2 taken from S. Since the number of subsets is C(4,2) and a set of size 2 has 2! bijections, P(4,2) = 2! * C(4,2). Thus, P(4,2) = 4!/2!, which is 4 to the falling powers of 2. The 12 permutations of P(4,2) are shown here:

 { (1,2), (1,3), (1,4),
   (2,1), (2,3), (2,4),
   (3,1), (3,2), (3,4),
   (4,1), (4,2), (4,3) }

P(4,2) = 12.

                P(n,r) =  ----- 
                       = n^r   reads "n to the falling powers of r"

 C(4,2) = 4*3/2 = 6. 
 P(4,2) = 4*3 = 12. 

 Since arrangement does not matter, tuples such as (1,2) and (1,2) are counted 
 as 1 item:
 { (1,2), (1,3), (1,4),
   (2,3), (2,4), (3,4), }

A Caesar cipher is a permutation over the letters of the alphabet where each plaintext letter is translated to the letter a fixed number of letters after it in the alphabet. A cipher that maps each letter to its neighbor three letters to the right is shown here:

Plaintext    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Ciphertext   X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W


The total number of permutations of S is the number of bijections from S -> S, 
which is |S|!. For an alphabet of 26 letters, the number of permutations is 26!.


C(n,r) is P(n,r) divided by r!.
P(n,n) = n^n = n!
P(n,0) = 1
P(n,1) = n


Note: calculators often have an nPr key that returns P(n,r). Use wolfram alpha to check your work - just enter C(n,r) or P(n,r).
C(7,7) = 1
C(7,1) = 7
C(7,0) = 1 

P(7,4) = 7*6*5*4
P(7,7) = 7!
P(7,1) = 7
P(7,0) = 1

Example 1.
Count the ways you can arrange 4 out of 10 people in a row. This is P(10,4),
which is 10!/6! = 10*9*8*7 = 5040. 

Example 2.
The ways you can pick 4 out of 10 people to serve on a committee is C(10,4).
C(10,4) = 10*9*8*7/(4*3*2) = 210

The ways to pick 6 people out of the 10 to NOT serve on a committee is C(10,6).
C(10,6) = 10*9*8*7/(4*3*2) = 210

Example 3. The ways you can pick 5 cards out of a deck of 52 cards is an
r-combination since order does not matter. This is C(52,5) = 52^5_/5! 
                                                    = 52*51*50*49*48/5*4*3*2
                                                    = 52*51*10*49*2
                                                    = 2,598,960 


Sometimes you want to count all the ways that you can join combinations. To do this, you apply the Product Rule to combinations (multiply the result of combinations together).

Example 4.
The number of 5-card hands that are flushes is a product of r-combinations. This is the number of ways to pick 5 cards from the same suit. In a deck of 52 cards, there are 4 suits and 13 faces (13 faces per suit thus 4*13=52). You first pick a suit. Then you pick 5 faces from that suit.

Example 5.
The number of 5-card hands with 4 of a kind. First pick a face out of the 13 possible faces. Then pick the 4 cards of that face (there is only one way to do this). Then pick the remaining card.

Example 6.
The number of 5-card hands with 2 of a kind (one pair). First pick the face. Then pick 2 cards out of the 4 possible cards of that face. Then pick the remaining 3 cards to fill up the hand. Note that when you pick the remaining 3 cards you are not preventing the same face as in the pair from showing up. So you are really counting *at least* 2-of a kind (could be trips or could be 4-of-a-kind).

        C(13,1)C(4,2)C(50,3) = 13*6*(50*49*8)  
Note: the expression C(13,1)C(4,1)C(3,1)C(50,3) is not correct. Why? Because that expression is incorrectly assuming that position matters. E.g., C(4,1)C(3,1) = 12 whereas C(4,2) = 4*3/2 = 6.

Example 7.
How many bit strings of length 10 contain 3 '1's? (Think of this as the number of ways you can put a '1' into a bit string.)

Example 8.
How many permutations of the 8 letters ABCDEFGH contain
   a) the string AB?

    Glue AB into a single item. There are 6 remaining items. There are thus 7!
    permutations of all items:

    P(7,7) = 5040

    b) the string ABC?

    Glue ABC into a single item. There are 5 remainining letters. Thus,
    there are 6! possibilities:

    P(6,6) =  720

    c) the string BA and EDC?
    Glue the substrings into 2 items. There are thus 5 total items:

    P(5,5) = 5! = 120

Example 9.
How many ways are there to arrange 7 people around a campfire, if arrangements are considered to be the same when everyone is next to the same person?

Divide all possible arrangements by 7 to eliminate duplicates. Thus, 7!/7 = 6!

Example 10.
A group of 100 potential jurists are grouped as follows:

   Panel A=45 people; Panel B=35; Panel C=20  

How many ways are there to select 12 jurists if 5 are selected Panel A, 4 are selected from Panel B, and the other 3 are selected from the Panel C?

Apply the Product Rule to all possible arrangements of the 3 panels:

   C(45,5) * C(35,4) * C(20,3)