CMPS-2240 Lab 5
Read a file, parse numbers, do arithmetic

Gordon Griesel
Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
California State University, Bakersfield

Part 1: Read a file and stop

We worked on this together in class.

The file we wrote, monday.s, is now available in a working form.
The new file is named: lab5.s

Get a copy of the file here:

Do not overwrite your own monday.s program.

Copy the lab5.s program to mylab5.s and begin work.

Part 2: Read all the numbers in a file

What to do...

1. Run the program.
   Make sure the program reads your local myfile.txt file.

2. The program will parse each word or number.
   If your text file contains any numbers,
   accumulate the total sum of all the numbers in your file.

   Words will be ignored by atoi() function and return 0.

   A word beginning with numeric characters will be seen as a number by atoi().

      123go!      <---- will be seen as a number.
      testing123  <---- will be seen as a zero value.

3. When you get the program working, comment-out any debug output.

4. Update the notes at the top of the program to show register use.

5. The delimiter between words is not just space, but whitespace.

Try to do these features. May become homework.

6. Add an option to the program.
   Allow the user to specify the text file-name on the command-line.

7. Check for error when opening the file.
   Print a message showing "File open error!" or something similar.

When I run your program, the text file might look like this:
| This is my text file. Here are some numbers: 1 2 3             |
| Here are some more numbers: 123 456 2 9 45                     |
| One more number: -6                                            |
| End of file.                                                   |
The sum should be: 635

There are several correct ways to get this program done, and to show the output.

sample output:

$ spim -f mylab5.s

Sum of numbers is: 635

For a higher score, do one of these output formats:

$ spim -f mylab5.s

123 456 2 9 45
sum: 635 

$ spim -f mylab5.s lab5.txt

123 + 456 + 2 + 9 + 45 = 635 

$ spim -f mylab5.s myfile.txt


What to turn in

Files on Odin to be collected at 12:30pm...
