Homework 5 - Multidimensional Arrays

Due: Monday, November 16, 2009 at 5:00pm

Name your solution hw5.cpp. Unlike the prior assignments, there is only one program for this assignment. Email the source file to me to submit your assignment.

This program features a simple employee paycheck calculator. Multidimensional and parallel arrays will be used to store the employee names, their pay rate and how many hours they worked each day of the week. You will have the following arrays:

The arrays will all be partially filled arrays for the number of "rows", but the multidimensional array will have a fixed number of "columns".

Use the following menu for the program:

  Welcome to the Employee Paycheck Calculator
  1.  Add employee record(s) to the database
  2.  Print all employee records
  3.  Print the paycheck for one employee
  4.  Print paychecks for all employees

  0.  Exit
  Enter selection:
Like Homework 3, your switch() statement in main() will call functions to do each task instead of doing the tasks in main(). The arrays must all be declared in main's scope and be passed to the functions. You may use a global variable or define for the maximum number of rows for the arrays. All other variables must be local to their functions.

You will have at least the following functions (you may add more functions if you want to):