File Project I want to create a multiplayer Texas Hold ‘em game. The main page will have a couple of options. First, to create a “room” to play the game, and also the ability to join rooms. Creating a room will start an instance of the site with a specific identifier for another user to use to join. The target audience for the game will be people who want to play poker with their friends, but either cannot in person or don't want to meet. The game itself will have the same rule set as Hold ‘em. Two, possibly more, players will enter a room and be given an amount of ‘money’ to play they game. They will then be dealt 2 cards (stored in an array) from a shuffled deck (also from an array, I am going to try to create the array using an object to lessen the amount of code in my JavaScript file). One player will be the large blind, and the other player will be the small blind. Players will then have the option to call or raise, if small blind, or check and call, if large blind. The game will then play out much the same way, with the computer dealing out cards with each passing betting phase until the final card/betting phase is over or a player folds. If a player folds, the other is awarded the pot and the game can be restarted. If the game ends after the final betting phase the site will logically sort the cards for each player into the best hand and compare for a winner. When the game is restarted, the blinds swap/move depending on the number of players. I also want to implement a simple chat program on the side of the game so players can talk with one another. This could also be used to visually keep track of bets, calls, folds, and the final winning hand for each game. The look and feel of the site will be consistent across all pages. It will mimic part of a casino poker table. Color will primarily be a darkish green and some red. While I won't be able to do this with this iteration, future versions could include the ability to "save" a game to come back to. This would allow for asynchronous play. I am sure there are other websites out there that will have similar concepts. Texas Hold ‘Em is a popular game. I am not deterred by this, the internet is a big place, and I am not looking to make money off of this.