Pascual Garcia
CMPS 3480 Computer Graphics
PROJECT IDEA: OpenGL Terrain Generator
Lab framework: Lab 5 Using OpenGL, I would like to demonstrate the following computer graphics elements: - Use a triangle mesh to create a terrain. - Use a heightmap to determine the heights of each vertices of the mesh to create mountains and valleys - Add 2D trees onto the terrain with parts that are transparent using the alpha channel. The Image below is an example of a scene that can be created
-Triangle mesh made-Heightmap texture added to mesh
-Heightmap applied-added lighting
-Added Texture Map
-Testing different Texture Maps-Changed camera position-Added a few trees
-Changed camera position-changed textures-Added more trees-Added transparency through alpha channel on trees
Final Result
-final heightmap and terrain texture
-final tree texture (has a white background)
-3 images showing off the terrain and the random tree placement. 100 trees are placed randomly on areas where the height is less than 4.
- Close up images of terrain showing the transparency of the the white areas of the tree texture using an alpha channel.