FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Will my child grow out of their eczema?
Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that a child will grow out of eczema. However, research has shown that 65% of children will be free of eczema by the time they are 7 years old, and 74% by the time they reach 16 years of age.
My child is starting school - have you any advice?

School or nursery should not present problems for a child with eczema if time is taken to ensure that the teachers and nursery staff have eczema explained to them and are given written information about it.

Provide the school or nursery with a pump dispenser of her emollient. In the classroom ask the teacher if your child can have a desk away from direct sunlight or a radiator as this will help prevent the child getting too hot and itchy.

Can changing mine or my child’s diet help?

Dietary changes can be quite helpful in babies and young children, where the emollients and topical steroids have failed to control the eczema. Children under 5 are at the greatest risk of having their symptoms worsened by food allergies.

It is thought that in about 30% of children with eczema, food may be one of the causes, but a much smaller group than this (about 10%) will have food as their main or only trigger. This means that only a small number of children will be helped by changes in their diet. In other words, it is rarely diet alone that triggers eczema.

I find that winter makes my eczema worse. What can I do to keep it under better control?

Many people find that the cold winter months can exacerbate their eczema. Here are some measures you can take to reduce the impact.

  • Apply your preferred emollient, especially to exposed areas such as your face, neck and hands, before going outside.
  • If you find that your skin is drier in winter, you could change your emollient cream to an ointment
  • Avoid extremes of temperatures, such as getting out of a bath and going into a cold room.
  • Do not have your central heating on too high, as sweating can aggravate eczema

Why doesn’t the National Eczema Society recommend products?

The National Eczema Society has a policy of not recommending any products because eczema is such an individual condition and a product that one patient may find very suitable for them can prove to be something that makes another person’s eczema much worse.

In addition, products such as emollients and sunscreens come in different formulas and individual preference determines whether a cream, ointment, oil or lotion is the most acceptable. Unfortunately, there is no one emollient or sunscreen that suits everyone’s eczema

The question also allows us to explain that our emollient product list is not a list of recommendations. It is a list of emollients that are either available on prescription or where the manufacturer has provided us with a list of ingredients, research information and, where appropriate, the results of properly conducted clinical trials.

What are the main treatments for managing eczema?

Emollient is the medical term for a non-cosmetic moisturizer. Emollients are necessary to reduce water loss from skin, preventing the dryness normally associated with eczema. By providing a seal or barrier, the skin is less dry, itchy and more comfortable.

Emollients are safe to use as often as is necessary and are available as lotions, creams, gels and ointments. Ointments are preferable for very dry skin, creams and lotions are lighter and suitable for mild to moderate eczema and are particularly suitable for ‘weeping eczema’. Gels are heavier than creams but not as thick as ointments.

It is thought that in about 30% of children with eczema, food may be one of the causes, but a much smaller group than this (about 10%) will have food as their main or only trigger. This means that only a small number of children will be helped by changes in their diet. In other words, it is rarely diet alone that triggers eczema.

Topical Steroids

When the eczema is under control the continued use of emollients are all that is needed. However, when the eczema flares up and the skin becomes inflamed, a steroid cream or ointment may be required.

Topical steroids act by reducing inflammation and are used in most types of eczema and should not be confused with the steroids used by body-builders. Topical steroids come in four different potencies, mild, moderate, potent and very potent and are also available in different strengths.

The strength and potency of steroid cream/ointment that a doctor or nurse prescribes depends on the age of the patient, the severity of the condition, the part of the body to be treated and the size of the area of eczema to be treated.

The doctor/nurse will also take into account any other medication being taken. Topical steroids are applied to the affected area, as directed by the prescribing doctor/nurse.

Many people have concerns regarding the use of topical steroids and their side effects. As long as steroids are used appropriately and as directed by your doctor/nurse, the likelihood of side effects is very rare. Reported side effects have been largely due to the use of very potent steroid preparations over long periods of time.