1.) What is the name of your website?
- Straw Hat News
2.) What is your website about?
- Several information about the anime One Piece, and a shop to buy various One Piece realted products
3.) What is the purpose of the website?
- To provide information about One Piece to people who my be interested in watching/reading it
4.) What information will you have on your homepage?
- Website information, what this website is about and the type of information that will be revealed to the user once logged in
5.) What front-end features will you have within your website?
- Bootstrap/Css for graphic design
6.) What back-end features will you have within your website?
- MySQL (login, character information and store information), PHP
7.) What will guests be able to do on your website?
- View Homepage and Character Information
8.) What will users be able to do on your website?
- User Must Login to view more information (ex: info on episodes), or to use the shop/add items to the cart
9.) How many webpages will need to be developed? What is the purpose for those pages?
- For now I have: Homepage, Character Information Page, Login Page, TV episode lists, Store... plan to add at least 3 more
10.) How many tables will your database contain? What is the purpose for those tables?
- 3 Tables(for now): Character Information Table(Keep information on the various characters I input into the mysql database),
Products Table (for the store page), Users Table(Keep information on User login)
11.) What will the layout/theme of your website be like?
- BootStrap/CSS (will be similar to the layout/theme I am using now on this website)
12.) What style of page navigation will your website have?
- Similar to the navbar I am using now
13.) Are there websites that already exist which are closely related to yours? What are they?
- Website I got my idea from: thelibraryofohara
14.) What types of things do you see on other websites that you would like to incorporate within your website? Will you?
- On the Website above They have a One Piece Timeline Page that I might incorprate into my website to, but my own version
of course
15.) What makes your website similar to others?
- My Website, like many others, will have information about the show/charcters itself...explaining the goals of said characters
and the overall theme/goal for the show
16.) What makes your website different from others?
- I found out that other websites dont have episodes listed or don't really explain what happens in the episode and why what
happened was significant. On my website I plan to go into full detail explaining the significance of the episode I list and why
whatever I talk about greatly affected the show or characters (like a turning point in a show).
17.) What more can you state about your website?
- Nothing for now, those are all my ideas but I definitely will add more info/pages to the website once I figure out what more I
can implenent and how I can implement them