Ashton Greymoore is a geode earth gynasy, basically a rock person who has the ability to bend the some elements of the earth to their will. In introducing Ashton to the crew we are met with this tall greenish crystalian person who oozes angst and machismo in a rock metal theme. They are introduced wearing a black denim vest with "Just Don't" spelled out on the back in a vibrant fire engine red. Click the link below and I'm sure you'll agree with my discription.

Ashton was introduced to the party with their robotic companion FCG whom they playfully refer to as letters. A bit of backstory that is being brought into light about ashton is this is not their first encounter with being a part of a team. Ashton and FCG were part of a team called the Nobodies. The Nobodies were a rag tag group of misfits that were rented out as body guards, theives, and various other jobs they could get for a dime. One day the Nobodies were hired on a job to steal some items from this tricked out warehouse that actually was a house. Unfortunately, things went wrong and the party had to flee rapidly. In their escape, Ashton died and needed to be brought back via magic. Since it can be just one thing, the magic went wrong and as a result ashton's skull was held together by magic crystalian stones and since that day has had access to wild magic through these crystals. Additionally, since that fateful day, ashton has been in servitude to the owner of the house that the Nobodies had attempted to steal from. When ashton was introduced to the party they were almost done with repaying the debts the Nobodies had left them with. I say left them with because also since that fateful job, the Nobodies fled leaving ashtons fading body on the opporating table of a trusted mechanic in town never to be seen since.

Currently, Bells Hells is dividing to different parts of the globe. Ashton is part of the group that has coined the name "Team No Healer" because each member of that team has the capacity to go into the faces of their enemies, do some serious damage, but also run the risk of putting themselves in the line of some serious damage to themselves as well, (with little more than health potions to pull them back from the brink of death). There is many a pondery about where team no heal is within the realm after catastrophy struck and the teams were blown across time and space when they were originally within 20 feet of each other. Click the link bellow the episode where the cast talks about their theories of where team no heal landed in time and space.