Meet Pate

Launda is a gothic erie character who brings out the best in numerous people despite her being one of the most outwardly spooky. She was introduced to the party wearing a thin black button up dress with long sleeves. It is adorned with black and red ribbons that she uses to assit her crafting time. She also wears her puppet rat corpse that wears a bird skull attop is head. The rat creature is very amusing and brings a boston accent to the group when animated. Below is the link to one of our first inneraction with Gilmore.

Meet Laudna
Young Laudna

Laudna has such a jaw dropping backstory. She was born in the small town of Whitestone and grew up in the age where it was taken over by a vampire and his dark mage wife. One fateful night she and her family were invited to dinner with the new "nobility". At this dinner her family was killed, she was enslaved, tortured, eventually murdered and dressed as an enemy hero to encourage the demise of the heros and the death of any revolution attempts. Eventually, those heros won the day, she and the other victims were laid to rest. Shortly thereafter Laudna was reawoken from the grave possessed by the magic the dark mage had left in her. Throughout the campaign it is discovered that although Laudna had some magical powers, a portion was amplified from the dark mage who had implanted a portion of herself within Laudna so that she may use her as a means of revivification in the event of her demise. This was stopped and the connection between Laudna and the dark mage severed.

Fun Scary

It is unclear where Laudna is now or if Pate is with her as he was not when we saw her last. She is lost with team no healer and we await news on their situation. It is possible in the commotion that they may be blown across the realm too even moved forward in time too. It is equally possible that team no healer is collectively dead as they were so much closer to the chaos of the day. Only time will tell.

The plan of Team No Healer

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