Imogen Temult is a horse girl witch. She was introduced to the party wearing a button up shirt, a low v-cut button up vest, a pair of shorts and knee high boots. She and Laudna were introduced to the party as a couple and have brought reason and logic to the very chaotic group.Laudna is there for Imogen and loves her very deeply. She is there for Imogen with her nightmares, she marks Imogens scars as they spread across her body as the use of her magic continues. Click the link below and I'm sure you'll agree.

Born under a red moon, like her mother before her, Imogen and her mother were plagued with visions from the cult who have devoted their lives to the red moon and its power. These visions pushed her mother to flee, thinking her abandonment of Imogen would protect her from the cult at the very least a little while longer. It did but Imogen became an outcast of her home, her town and every town thereafter as her powers and the stigma of a red moon magician. Imogen eventually found Laudna and they became the dearest of friends. They left town, and drifted from town to town, trying to find answers on Imogen's mothers disappearance and the meaning of a red moon surronding Imogen in a shroud of red clouded fears.

So where is she now? Imogen is on team heal and is trying to get back to Laudna and resolve this red moon business once and for all. The red moon was most visible during the solsitice and as such the cult used this time to enact their long awaited plans to bring the locked city that exists on the red moon. Because bringing the moon physically down on the planet and unleashing dark magic and evil gods is less ideal for many people, Bells Hells as well as many other groups saw fit to take action to prevent this. It is uncertain as of yet to how successful either side was in their goals. Click the link bellow for the video I refer to.